
We offer four sets of services tailored to your requirements

GESTINVER focuses most of its activity on the integral management of subsidies and public aid for the development of industrial investment projects. We have extensive experience in the development of projects related to the installation of new companies, the expansion or modernization of existing facilities, its internationalization and promotion abroad, the introduction of technological improvement in processes and energy efficiency.

We specialize in the management of funding for the development of R&D&I projects related to new processes or products at regional, national and European level.

We define a proposal and manage the entire process: the search for possible partners and suitable collaborators for each project, the preparation of consortium agreements, the submission of the proposal, the follow-up and justification and the publication of the results and their importance.

At GESTINVER we process tax deductions for R&D and Technological Innovation.

The purpose of these deductions is to reduce the total amount of corporate income tax and maximize the profits obtained from spending on R&D. We also identify activities that can be considered as R&D&I, define deductible expenses, draft reports for the deduction, help with the certification process and apply for the binding motivated report.

We draw up Strategic Business Plans adapted to each client’s management capacity and size.

Our work begins with a diagnosis of the company and continues with the definition of strategic targets and the establishment of operational plans. It ends with the definition of mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the results obtained.


Integral management of aid and subsidies

  • Definition of financing strategy

    Each project is unique and requires a specific funding strategy. After an initial meeting to define the scope and targets, we make a personalized analysis and draw up an aid map to obtain the best financing conditions for each investment project.

  • Development and presentation of the application

    Once the best financing option has been identified, we draw up the technical reports defined in each call to analyse the economic and financial viability of the project and, finally, we process the aid application with the Administration through the corresponding telematic register.


  • Follow up until grant

    After the aid application has been registered, we start monitoring the progress of the application. We reply to requests for clarification from the Administration, attend the no-start visit or evaluation of the project and oversee coordination until the resolution on the award has been handed down.


  • Project execution control

    It is essential to monitor the progress of the project to ensure compliance with the conditions laid down in each call for proposals. Accordingly, we supervise technical and economic issues, managing deviations and notifying the Administration of relevant circumstances.

  • Justification and collection

    Based on the documents provided by each client, we draft the technical and economic documentation to certify completion of the project and submit it telematically to the Administration. We work with the client throughout the verification process until the aid has been received.
